Crisis Counselling

Course Fee: $459 (Canadian currency)

This practical, informative and stimulating course is designed to introduce the student to essential crisis counselling skills. It will help you better understand the nature of a crisis, the types of reactions and responses that are normal, and how to intervene – using crisis counselling skills – in a way that is helpful and supportive for the client.

Specifically, this course is designed to develop a deeper understanding of the following key areas: a crisis in the family, a crisis in a marriage, the crisis of addiction, and the crisis of suicide. There is also a clear focus on developing skills that will effectively assist and support the client in an ethical, professional way. The college teaches and uses Egan’s The Skilled Helper Model.

There is no prior knowledge or experience required to embark on this rewarding certificate course. You are free to commence at a time that suits your schedule – and then continue at your pace for a period of six months. Full tutor support is provided for this course.


Module 1: Defining a Crisis

Topics Studied

• Assessing a crisis
• Categories of crisis
• Appropriate crisis intervention
• Acute Stress Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Essential counsellor qualities
• Essential counsellor skills
• Think before you speak
• Understanding non-verbal communication
• Brushing up on skills: Effective listening
• Reflective skills practice

Learning Outcomes and Summary of Objectives

Upon successful completion of this learning module, the student should be able to:

• Distinguish between Acute Stress Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
• Describe different forms of inadequate listening.
• Assess key counsellor qualities.

Module 2: Dealing with a Crisis

Topics Studied

• Introducing the ABC model
• Applying the ABC model
• Common reactions to crisis and trauma
• Telephone counselling skills
• Developing a feelings vocabulary

Learning Outcomes and Summary of Objectives

Upon successful completion of this learning module, the student should be able to:

• Summarise the ABC Method of Crisis Intervention.
• List typical reactions to crisis and trauma in preschool children, school-age children, preadolescents, adolescents and adults.
• Relate some main differences between face to face counselling and telephone counselling.

Module 3: The Crisis of Violence and Abuse

Topics Studied

• An Introduction to Violence and Abuse
• Different Types of Violence and Abuse
• Assessment Questionnaire
• Escaping a Violent Relationship: Safety Planning
• Focussing on Sexual Assault and Abuse
• Incest and Sexual Violence
• Sexual Assault Trauma Syndrome
• Incest and the Sexual Abuse of Children
• Typical Feelings Experienced by Victims of Sexual Abuse/ Sexual Assault

Learning Outcomes and Summary of Objectives

Upon successful completion of this learning module, the student should be able to:

• List and describe the nine different types of violence and abuse.
• Outline what’s involved in creating a safety escape plan.
• Describe the phases associated with Sexual Assault Trauma Syndrome.

Module 4: A Marriage or Partnership in Crisis

Topics Studied

• Made for intimacy?
• Affairs under the microscope
• Everybody argues!
• Developing conflict resolution skills
• Areas of conflict
• Conflict resolution questionnaire
• A parting of the ways
• Separation guidelines
• Kuhbler-Ross, separation and divorce
• An emotional response to separation and divorce
• Murray-Parkes, separation and divorce
• Children suffer too

Learning Outcomes and Summary of Objectives

Upon successful completion of this learning module, the student should be able to:

• List common reasons for having an affair.
• Compile strategies for successful conflict resolution.
• Illustrate how Kübler-Ross’ stages model, and Murray-Parkes’ cyclical model can be applied to separation and divorce.

Module 5: The Crisis of Addiction

Topics Studied

• Defining and categorising addictions
• Who is at risk?
• The stages of addiction
• How addictions affect our lives
• When your partner is struggling with an addiction
• The Preoccupation and Impact Scale
• The impact on the children
• Treatment options
• Addiction and the brain

Learning Outcomes and Summary of Objectives

Upon successful completion of this learning module, the student should be able to:

• Provide a definition of addictions.
• Explain how a habit becomes an addiction.
• Critique the typical feelings experienced by survivors of sexual abuse.

Module 6: Traumatic Death and the Crisis of Suicide

Topics Studied

• Defining suicide
• High risk groups
• Don’t miss the signs!
• How should you counsel a suicidal client?
• Working with ambivalent clients
• Protection against future suicide attempts
• Structuring the crisis counselling session
• Advice on how to handle a suicidal client
• The grief of the suicide survivor

Learning Outcomes and Summary of Objectives

Upon successful completion of this learning module, the student should be able to:

• Identify red flags that could point to a client deciding to choose suicide.
• Suggest ways of protecting against future suicide attempts.
• Outline how to structure a counselling session for a suicidal client.

Suggested textbook for the course (to be purchased by the student)

Christiansen, K. (2018). The crisis intervention manual. (3rd Ed). Santa Monica, CA: Empathy works.